Loving Yourself


Love is a high vibratory frequency of energy that increases as you continue to work with it and in it. It is a force field stronger than any other bond and can be given to loved ones through grace. It is also the frequency that emanates from God as an extension of God.

The key to universal creation is love creates more love; everything must be done with love. If you do not have it within you, then you cannot give it to another. The other person allows you to feel the love you have within for yourself. Love brings out the best in a person. People do not fall out of love. Sometimes whatever the person came to assist you with, or vice versa, is done and it may be time to move on separately.



There are empaths, sensitives and others who have rarely felt love; some only for a brief moment in time. To experience it, think of a time in your life you did feel love. This could be love for a parent, child, spouse, sibling, friend or pet. Hold that feeling of love as long as you can. Practice this several times throughout the day as you hold the energy for an increasing period of time. Continue this exercise until you can experience the energy without the memory of the situation. Then keep practicing holding the energy longer so you can do so immediately when needed.

The love for others is accepting them just as they are. All of us are different with unique qualities and have a different purpose in life. All are equal and all are loved. All want the same thing−to live in peace and to enjoy life.

Love will assist you into the fifth dimension if you love yourself unconditionally just as you are. That is the power of love. Love can be sent to another or be given freely to others. When you know the essence and power of love, there is nothing that can overcome it. Prime Source loves you just as you are. This is the unconditional love of Prime Source, the highest love of all.

Love moves you to a higher plane. Love yourself unconditionally just as you are. Remind yourself throughout the day. Love means you accept yourself as you are; even what you perceive as flaws.


Loving yourself unconditionally, just as you are, can assist you moving into the fifth dimension. Remind yourself of your love throughout the day. How do I know if I love myself unconditionally just as I am? Can you stand in front of a mirror and say to yourself, “I love you just as you are” without being upset with what you think are flaws? If not, stand in front of the mirror and start telling each flaw you love it on a daily basis. You might want to start with one flaw and do this exercise until you notice the shift. Then work on the next perceived flaw. You may be surprised with how you feel and see yourself differently.

God sees you as the perfect child of love and wishes only the best of everything. All deserve the best of everything.


When you practice love for yourself and extend love to others, then those who do not know what is happening will be more aware as they observe you. Love, like laughter, is contagious. Spread the word and energy. Assist yourself first by choosing to shift and allowing others to make their choice. When you live life as you want it to be, then others will notice, perhaps ask questions and follow your lead.

Love is the universal language and the easiest path.

The next few blogs will cover love across the dimensions and give you an idea of its power.



Nine Ways You Give Your Power Away


Take Back Your Power!

Are you aware of how often you give your power away? Look closer at how things work. Here are some examples:

1. When a friend asks you which movie you want to see with him or her and you say, “I don’t care”, you are giving your power to another to make your decision.

2. You are angry with someone because of what the person did to you and you refuse to forgive them. By holding on to the anger, you may eventually be taking it in on a cellular level. You are also giving your power away to the person who angered you. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

3. When you think someone else is greater than you, then you are giving your power away. The other person may have already developed their innate abilities. All of us have such capabilities. The other person may have developed their senses or skills ahead of you. Let go of thinking you’re not good enough.

4. Your new friends are making comments about an individual in your social group. You note all are laughing but you. You don’t say anything either way. By remaining silent, you are saying you agree with them and give your power away.

5. A friend is upset and is explaining an argument with another friend. At the end, she tries to get you to take her side. If you do, you have given her your power. Instead, you might say, “Interesting” or “Humm”. This keeps it neutral. Your friend may go through her story again and ask you , “Don’t you think I was right?”. A reply might be, “That is between the two of you. I do not choose to be involved in it”.

6. You move to a new location but don’t know anyone there. You make a friend and begin doing things together. At some point the person begins to make unsupportive comments to you or treat you poorly. You do not need someone like that in your life. If you stay and let the person verbally abuse you, you are giving your power away.

7. What others think of you is not your business. Learn to laugh and not take things seriously. Laughter raises your vibration to a higher frequency where you can get the answers you need. If you allow what others say as unsupportive thoughts to bother you, then you are giving your power away to them.

Find out who you are and love yourself unconditionally just as you are. This will make things easier for you as the earth moves through the fourth and into the fifth dimension. Stand in your truth and be a way shower for those who are ready.

8. Sometimes you will find people mention something to you but do not directly ask your permission. If you do not say no, they may take authority as if you said yes.

An example is calling the original company that installed my windows for an estimate on some needing to be replaced. The gentleman took measurements and wanted to order them. I said I wanted to get two more estimates before making a decision. Two days later he calls to notify me the windows are ordered and wants to make an installation appointment.

His side was you need the windows and they originally installed them so what is the problem if they can be installed next week. If you say okay and set up the appointment, you have just given your power away.

Become more aware of how you give your power away. Just say no. An explanation is not needed unless you choose to play into their hand.

9. You give your power away when you look outside of yourself for answers. The answers are within you.

What are some of the ways you have given your power away? Let me know and I will include some in future posts if you would like me to.

