Love Is


Love is the topic and key to all there is. There are so many different levels and it is more than one can imagine. Little else matters when in love, for it takes precedence over anything else. Love between a mother and child is a very strong bond. On the higher levels, love is more powerful and an important element to creation. In the state of love, creation and possibilities open to new realms of thinking, doing, and being. It offers one the possibilities of new potentials and ideas, and a direction to the next step. It is unlimited and opens doors previously closed to thought. In the fifth dimension, the doors now have access.

Potentials are limited only to your beliefs. If you can think it, then it can be created. Do not let your limits determine your capability. Open to the thought as being interesting and ask, “How do we do it?” Breathe and relax. Ask yourself the question before entering the sleep state or spend time contemplating the idea. Then step aside and be open to the possibilities. The answer is where the question is asked. Sit and be still without thought when you ask your question. Allow the answer to come to you. To listen to the answer, you must be still and quiet the mind. With the practice of intention, it will come naturally. This is how one creates within a state of love and allows the flow.

Creation is a celebration. All of you are creators. It is your way of life and heritage. Your creations are your children, for they came from you and are birthed by you to enjoy. These are the things to celebrate in your lives along with each step you take to come one step closer to the completion of your finished gift. It is the gift you give yourselves and the gift you offer unto others for their benefit to enjoy also. Joy should be shared with others and celebrated with and by others. It is the joy of life you celebrate in your creations. It is the joy of being alive and the ability to create that is also honored with each creation.

Life should be a celebration. Each day is a creation by you and for you. It is a gift you give yourself. Gifts should be received and cherished, honored and celebrated. In the now, all can be loved and celebrated. Now is a present you give yourselves to enjoy and to create within. It is a time without time, where all is there for you to enjoy. It is a state of awareness and a place where you may observe, make better decisions, and act.

Wishing you love in all that you do,  Mary

You are Loved and Blessed


All of us are loved. Be open to letting the love come to you and shine through you so others will remember who they are too. Love yourself first; you cannot give to another what you do not have within you.

Much grace has been given; we are all blessed. If you want more blessings in your life, thank God for your blessings after you state, “I am blessed”. You may also silently bless all those you pass by in your day. What you give out must also return to you, especially if it is not used by others.

This is the most important life time as we make the turn toward home. Many are willing to assist you. They cannot help unless you ask for assistance since earth is a free will, free choice planet. The exception is if you are in serious danger and it is not your time to leave.

Wishing you love in all that you do,


Do Everything With Love

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Do everything with love; all else falls into the category of fear. When baking or cooking with love, you may find others complimenting you on your cooking, asking for the recipe or what your secret ingredient is.

Some people, for example, ask the angels to bless the chocolate chips in the cookies or another ingredient in the mix. I prefer to open my heart and bake with love.


Have you ever tried holding love in your heart while cooking?

Wishing you love in all that you do,



No One is Ever Alone



Many individuals are feeling they have no support system and are on their own. There are many worlds around us; we are surrounded by those who love us. Ask and you will be wrapped in love or the arms of an angel. They will stand by your side and walk with you if needed. You must ask for assistance first, then pay attention to the clues.

Who is in your current support system?

Are you doing what makes you happy or brings you joy?

Do you walk in nature when you are feeling down?

Wishing you love in all that you do,



Love and Creation



Third dimension is gone and we are in the shift moving more fully into the fourth dimension. On the higher levels, love is more powerful and an important element to creation.

In the state of love, creation and possibilities open to new realms of thinking, doing, and being. It offers one the possibilities of new potentials and ideas, and a direction to the next step. It is unlimited and opens doors previously closed to thought. In the fifth dimension, the doors now have access.

Potentials are limited only to your beliefs. If you can think it, then it can be created. Do not let your limits determine your capability. Open to the thought as being interesting and ask, “How do we do it?” Breathe and relax. Ask yourself the question before entering the sleep state or spend time contemplating the idea. Then step aside and be open to the possibilities. The answer is where the question is asked. Sit and be still without thought when you ask your question. Allow the answer to come to you. To listen to the answer, you must be still and quiet the mind. With the practice of intention, it will come naturally. This is how one creates within a state of love and allows the flow.



All of you are creators. It is your way of life and heritage. Your creations are your children, for they came from you and are birthed by you to enjoy. These are the things to celebrate in your lives along with each step you take to come one step closer to the completion of your finished gift. It is the gift you give yourselves and the gift you offer unto others for their benefit to enjoy also. Joy should be shared with others and celebrated with and by others. It is the joy of life you celebrate in your creations. It is the joy of being alive and the ability to create that is also honored with each creation.

Life should be a celebration. Each day is a creation by you and for you. It is a gift you give yourself. Gifts should be received and cherished, honored and celebrated. In the now, all can be loved and celebrated. Now is a present you give yourselves to enjoy and to create within. It is a time without time, where all is there for you to enjoy. It is a state of awareness and a place where you may observe, make better decisions, and act.



It is His handiwork that is extended to all, allowing each person to create. In love and with love your creations exist. All of you are a part of God. You are His children, and as children, you have inherited the image and the tools used for creation.

Creation comes in many different revelations. It can be thoughts of energy forces or thoughts of creation that are more earthy; such as pieces of art, which take individuals on an adventure of knowing themselves and learning about themselves. It is the art work that creates itself. The artist only reveals what is already there to be shown and chooses to come forth.

It is the artist who is taken on a journey of unraveling the path by which the art wishes to reveal itself. This is the way of any projects of creation. The unraveling is a path the creator is taken on, teaching the individual a new way of being. The artist does not always choose how the art will be revealed.

Life is this way also. You choose to work and to create in love. It is love that puts individuals on the journey, revealing new ways of being, doing and opening each one up to new potentials. There is no one way to create a piece of art. The artist asks ‘What if…?’ and decides what the result is to be. The journey may open new ways and thoughts, rearranging them in another direction. The end result may be something better than intended. The idea one starts with is not always the end result.


When you create in love, everything flows. Life is a flow. You use those energies to give life to creations. This is the new way, the new world all have been waiting for. This is the new adventure revisited you can choose to move into, a new way of being on Earth.

Wishing you love in all that you do, Mary


Inexpensive Acts of Love/Kindness (part 2)

Whether one calls it ‘paying it forward’ or an anonymous act, to me these are all acts of love. Hold the feeling of love in your heart. Then use it when you can. These are just a few more suggestions.


Saying “good morning” with a smile to a stranger on your morning walk.



Paying for the movies for the family or individual behind you at the dollar show.



Giving a coupon or gift card to another in the store who could use it more than you.



Saying something positive or giving a smile to the cashier who obviously had a bad day.



As a waiter or waitress, address a woman as ‘miss’ instead of ‘ma’am’. You might even get a better tip.



Honoring a country that respects elders or those having physical challenges by putting them first in a long line at the airport, at banks and other businesses.



Allowing someone else to win because you can, sharing the prize with someone else or giving information to help another even when it means more competition for you.


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Showing up with a snowplow after a storm when a neighbor lost her husband or is sick.



When you are feeling down or having a bad day, do something for someone else. It can be a flower, a card with a smiley face, a positive statement to another or sharing something you have with another. No matter how bad your day is, someone else’s may be a lot worse. Doing something for someone else makes you feel better and it is good for your brain.

Wishing you love in all that you do, Mary



Inexpensive Acts of Love/Kindness

People question what they can do to make a difference; something that does not cost a lot. Here are some ideas that do not cost much other than a little time.



Being there for another during times of grief. This may include hugging another when a person needs it or holding another’s hand to comfort the individual when words are not enough. It may be listening to another who just needs someone to hold a space for them so they can sort things out.



Telling another “thank you” for making a difference in your life.



Embracing a stranger with a smile.



Helping another at the grocery store; such as one in a wheelchair, one struggling to get an item or asking your older neighbor if he or she needs anything from the store. Humming a tune as you walk can also lighten another’s day.



Offering to take someone to the doctor who cannot drive or is afraid to go alone.



Giving your seat to another when you see them struggle standing up.



Offering to feed one’s pet for a few days in an emergency.

These are only a few ways to express your love/kindness toward others. There are so many more. As we come together through the internet and via other means, perhaps we can also look around us in our daily lives and make a difference to a stranger, friend or neighbor. They may be part of your community in the future.

Wishing you love in all that you do, Mary


Acts of Love


We usually think acts of love involve doing something for another. Before one can give love to another, one must love oneself; you cannot give to another what you do not have for yourself. If you are a caretaker or an empath, it is even more important to care of yourself first. Here are some suggestions:


Taking time to just be and relax when needed.



Taking a bubble bath.



Turning the phone, television, and internet off to contemplate.



Treating yourself to a regular massage.



Buying flowers for yourself.



Challenging yourself to try something different or learn something new.



Laughing at yourself or something you did. This takes you into a higher vibration and a much better alternative to sadness or being down.



Cleaning things out and getting rid of the old. This also lightens up and expands your energy.


Helping another just because you can. This makes you and the other person feel better.



Being in nature. Take a walk, sit on a hillside or explore a new place away from your hectic life. Watch and listen to nature; it can teach you how to live and it also assists in clearing your negativity. It’s a great reset.



Letting your inner child play. Whether it is playing in the sand, painting or whatever else your inner child likes to do. Ask your inner child what he/she would enjoy doing with you.

When you show love for yourself through action on a regular basis, you may find that other areas of life flow more and life’s problems aren’t as big as they seem.

Wishing you love, joy and peace in your life, Mary


Love Is Across the Dimensions, part 2



At the present time, one only needs to look at what is going on in the world to see that the anger and other fear based emotions are coming up. The old emotions stored within us need to be released in order to move forward into fourth dimension. It is the emotional body which is being cleared for higher dimensions.

Fourth dimension is a stepping stone. It is here where one becomes the observer. This enables one to view choices and to make intelligent decisions. By being the observer, the emotions are removed from the situation which allows one to see things differently than you would from the third dimension where emotions play a reactionary part in decision making. Fourth dimension is a platform of neutrality from which to observe. It is where one can be in the moment or present, where all things exist.


At this level, duality as it currently exists on Earth is no longer needed. Humanity is choosing to change the agreements held by the third dimension and to move into the fifth dimension; one of creation, spiritual growth, and love. This is the path so many are choosing, to know thyself and to be one with God. Many have already changed their world to one of peace, joy, love and abundance. Now it is the collective who are choosing to do so. This will not occur overnight. There will be changes and adjustments which need to be made. They are and have been slowly occurring and will continue to occur. It will be a movement of peace, one of love and choosing to change with love and for the love of humanity.

The Dalai Lama once said that in the West, change will come from the women through love. Why not bring back the love for ourselves first and then for others to recreate a nation of love and compassion and model it for other countries. Let’s look at what we have in common instead of allowing our differences to divide us.

Achieving for humanity creates the power of the higher love. It is a greater love than you or the I. It is what can control the four elements. This is the strength and the power of love. It is the higher love all seek that allows for the higher forces to move Heaven and Earth for you. This is the love accessible to humanity. It is love for yourselves and love for others.

Yellow bud oil

Part 3 in this series of Love Across the Dimensions will give an overview of love’s role, message and a higher love.

If you missed part 1, you can read it from my website listed below.


Love Is Across the Dimensions


Love is the key to all there is.  Archangel Michael


Third dimensional love usually refers to emotions or affection for another. A fifth dimensional love is one of love for each other and humanity; creating and co-creating in and with love in community. From there it becomes love for God, the Universe or whatever you choose to call your power source.

This three-part series introduces the reader to the various levels of love as humanity is choosing to change this world of duality. Third dimension no longer works for everyone; people are choosing to change it to something better than. This new world is all about a new kind of love.


Third dimension on planet Earth is one of free will and free choice. You can choose how you want to learn your lessons. At this level, one often chooses to learn love through a relationship with another. For some, it is a very caring and affectionate relationship. It may even be a very intense, emotional relationship. Many years ago a co-worker spoke about how much she loved her husband and missed him so much she could not wait to go home after work. It was all she could talk about.

Love can be perceived in many ways. The birth of a child can bring a strong emotional bond or relationship. Our pets can also be a vehicle for experiencing love, just as our friends and family can.

For some individuals, they choose to experience an abusive relationship. They may have come into this life with a victim archetype from a previous lifetime. It might be that one grew up with the abuse by a parent and related the abuse with love from the parent. From there, the individual may seek a relationship which is also abusive. Abuse can be mental, emotional or physical.

Why would someone want to learn love through an abusive relationship? Third dimension is one of duality which allows one to learn lessons faster than elsewhere. Learning what you are not allows you to make a better choice. Often times people do not know what they want or may not have ever experienced love.



Others cannot give us what we do not have for ourselves. We must first find our own love. Where do we find our love? Love comes from within. We contain the love and light that we seek. It is found within and without and all around us.

One method is to think of a time when you really felt love, even if for only a moment. It could be from when you first saw your child after birth, from a spouse, a family member or from a pet. Focus on that inner feeling. Practice this and try holding the feeling for a longer period of time until you can call the inner feeling forward to replace unsupportive thoughts. You can also use it in uncomfortable situations. You are really remembering the love for yourself and bringing it forward.

Another method is meditating on the warm, fuzzy place in the center of your chest−the heart which is a hub from which all roads lead. Creating with a one-point focus is also a meditation. This would include various forms of art; such as painting, drawing, sculpting, writing or any other form of creating.


How do you determine whether you love yourself unconditionally just as you are? Recognize or be aware it is not the other person or the outside world which gives you love. They are just bringing the love you have within forward for its internal recognition. You cannot share with another what you do not have for yourself. You can only receive from another a level of love that you have for yourself. This is the path that calls to you and to all who seek. It is the path of love. Love for self unconditionally is where you need to be to make the shift as Earth and its residents move into the fifth dimension.

Love heals all things. Love is the ultimate path. It removes all else along the way. It rises up to meet that which is less than and keeps it at bay. Love for another can be very powerful. All humans at one time or another experience it. For some, it may only be fleeting moments, but it is there to remind you who you are. All is love. All of you come from love and return to love. It is your nature. It is the nature of all beings and all consciousness. Archangel Michael


Part 2 will cover an overview of the fourth and fifth dimensions.
